01 November 2011



rase nye da bersarang blog ni sb dah lme gile xupdate.. haha syifa mmg rase nk update..tp xtaw nk updte ap.haha tbe2 rase bosan n jari2 ni sje menekan blog kwn2..haha sekali terbuka blog cik nina^^ rupe nye dy ade tag syifa.. terima kasih yea cik nina.. hee tp rupa nye cik yasmin pon tag bnda yg sme.. wahhh ade 2 keje ni.. hee alang2 syifa mmg rase nk update blog..mehh sini syifa reply eh tag dr cik nina ngn cik yasmin kte ni^^

Rules of the game :

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the question the tagger set for you in their post. And create another eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4. You have to choose eleven people to tag and link them on the post.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tag HIM/HER.
6. No tag back !

Step 1 : 11 things about myself^^

1. first msti lahh nama kn.. hee nama yg diberi ialah NUR SYIFA BT MAHADI^^ wahh skema lak ayt.haha

2. lg brape bln je nk msok 20 taon.. haa agak tua rase nye kat situh^^

3.skang mseh menuntut ilmu kat UiTM Sri Iskandar dlm diploma Sains Kuantitatif^^ (love so muchh this course!)

4.stdy kat perak.menetap pon kat perak.haha anak jati perak aw^^

5.taken by Nazirul Mubin^^ love him so muchh! hee

6.puteri pertama utk my family tp yg ke-3 dr 4 siblings^^

7.suka sgt wrna biru & purple^^

8.kuat merajok! haha itu lahh kenyataan^^

9.suka habis kn wet abah. hee love shopping so much! hee

10.nk jd lectrer^^ insyaallah... hee

11.nk kawen! haha for sure^^

Step 2 : answer the questions from the tagger^^

disebabkn ade 2 org tag syifa..so kne jwb ikot giliran la yea^^

from cik nina^^ :

1. Who you love the most ?
=> of course Allah S.W.T ^^

2. Bila final exam korang or result final exam korang kua ?
=> msti lah sme ngn nina kn..haha 4 NOV.. ^^

3. The most memorable moment in ur life ?
=> apa eh? kuar ngn si dia^^

4. Bestfriend dunia akhirat korang ? #only one
=> wahh ramai nih.. haha klu nk sorang je..ermm Siti Khadijah bt Che Mat^^

5. Korang nak kawen umor berapa ?
=> of course umo 25. pling sesuai. haha coz abg2 smoa kawen umo tu ^^

6. Tema wedding impian korang ?
=> mcm nk wat tema disney..coz suka sgt ngn mickey mouse ^^ laen dr yg laen.haha

7. Ciri-ciri mertua pilihan ? haha
=> mstilah sporting..^^

8. Which part of your body you like the most ? Reason.
=> pipi kot.haha sb ramai suka pipi syifa ^^

9. Facebook and Twitter. Which one you prefer ?
=> facebook. sb twitter xda lg.hee ^^

10. Kalau korang jumpa Alien, apa korang buat ?
=> klu alien yg comei..ajak tgkap gmbr ^^ hahaha

11. Pecah kepala tak jawab soalan i ? hehe
=> boleh tahan lahh..haha ^^

from cik yasmin^^ :

1.kuasa supernormal ape yg korang idamkan?
=> superMAMA. haha ^^

2.ape perasaan korang kalau kawan baek sendiri confess suke kat korang?
=> errr..terkejot! ^^

3.sape lg garang,mak ke abah?
=> mak..hehe sb abah pendiam ^^

4.kalau honeymoon nanti nak pegi mn?
=> of course disneyland.. haha jmpe mickey mouse^^

5.nak berapa org anak bila dh kawen nanti?
=> 5 kot! hahaha

6.movie apa yang paling korang suka tgk? tgk berkali2 pun tak jemu.
=> cte SEKALI LAGI ! ^^

7.describe bf/gf korang tu cmne orangnyer.
=> wauu..hee dy penyayang..n very lovely.. hee penyabar..hee ^^

8.mengaku dgn aku cepat! pernah crush dgn classmate tak? haha.
=> pnah kot! haha

9.sejak umur berapa dh gatai2 mula berkapel?
=> 17..haha time f5.. ^^

10.korang rase aku neh comel tak? haha.
=> comei! hehe

11.spongebob dengan cat dog,pilih mana?
=> spongebob! hehe

Step 3 : 11 Q's for the choosen one^^

1. Apa yg korang ngah fikir skang?
2. Ade kekasih hati x? hee jgn tipu.. haha
3. Korang lbh suka guna CELCOM or MAXIS?
4. Apa pendapat korang kapel satu kelas?
5. Klu korang ade masalah kn..apa korang wat? hee
6. Klu ade gagal lam exam..cam ne nk bgtaw parents? haha
7. Selalo x korang cte kat mak pasal buah hati korang? cter sal ap? hee
8. Penah gagal x lam test memandu? hahahaha
9. Apa yg korang teringin sgt buah hati korang wat tok korang? hee
10. Apa pendapat korang sal cinta pertama ? btoi ke dy akn kekal?
11. impian korang yg xpnah lg tercapai? haha

fuhh siap jgak.. haha susah jgak eh..nk menjwb soklan nye..haha reka soklan nye..haha tp best! hehe ok skang nk tag org lak.. hehe insan2 yg bertuah ialah...heee

selamat mencuba! ^^

6 pengkritik:

Nana Bbanilla said...

amboiii...sampai kawen pun nak mickey mouse jugak. hahaha. btw, nape jarak kat bawah tue jauh sgt? haha :D

syifa mahadi said...

haha..bru sweet.. haha lupa nk padam yg bawah tu..haha bru pasan..haha

young yasmin sarian said...

haha...awat pakat mickey segala? :P erm,thanks ye! :)))

syifa mahadi said...

hahah..sb mickey sgt cute! hehehe welcme :)

Meeja said...

woi ! aku pun nak tag ko untuk benda ni jugak lah , tak publish2 lagi =.=
aku buat ko punye , ko buat aku punye jugak tau ! :P

syifa mahadi said...

hahaha.. ylahh.. nnt aq jwb soklan ko tu..haha